Silver Sage Foundation volunteers spent their Saturday afternoon in Warm Springs Natural Area to help with the tree planting efforts. Despite a very warm day without any clouds to cover the hot sun, the volunteers planted trees happily and enthusiastically.

We believe that every individual has an obligation to preserve nature as much as they can. Especially under the shadows of a looming climate crisis, we must do whatever we can do minimize our impact on the environment. In this light, our volunteers and a dozens of other nature-friends joined to the tree planting efforts.

This Green Up event organized by the Southern Nevada Water Authority was also a great opportunity to teach our kids how to respect nature. They learnt how to plant trees under the supervision of Warm Springs Natural Area officers.

We would like to thank our great volunteers for working hard for a noble cause and the Southern Nevada Water Authority for organizing such a crucial event. Follow our social media channels to have a chance to join such future events.