One of our main goals is to help build a constructive environment for members of different faiths, cultures, ethnicity and world-views to exchange ideas and solve common problems. Through our panels and seminars, we build awareness around diverse issues and causes, fostering dialogue and breaking down walls that breed intolerance and hate.

Silver Sage Foundation Intercultural Dialogue unit works to establish connections between different spheres of society. Our volunteers make contact, establish connections and organize events to bring people together. Our dialogue unit makes contact with different cultures, religions and organizations. Workshops, seminars and dinners are some of the events organized by the unit.


Nevada Community Leader's Prayer for Hope and Healing

As COVID-19 spreads through our nation and our community, we are all feeling anxious, uncertain and perhaps alone. Please join our Religious Leaders as we come together in prayer. Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIjuCd0Z7Iba…

International Women's Day - 2020

We celebrated the Women's Day at our location with food, activities, folkloric dance show and speeches. We would like to thank everyone participated in the event. And we would like to celebrate every women's valuable presence in our lives.…
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Three Square - Sort-a-thon

We volunteered at Three Squares' Sort-a-thon event to help the people in need and elevate the social standards in Las Vegas.

'2020 Vision' by the Nevadans for the Common Good

We took part at the first meeting of the Nevadans for the Common Good in 2020. The meeting was held on 9th of January. 137 community leaders participated at the event.

Mother Mary in Islam

Professor Zeki Saritoprak from John Carroll University gave a talk on Mary's significance in Islam. Epiphany Episcopal Church hosted the event presided by The Reverend Rick O'Brien. The meeting was thought provoking and quite interactive with…

Jesus and Islam

Professor Zeki Saritoprak gave a lecture on the subject of "Jesus and Islam" at our location. With an audience consists of both Christians and Muslims, it was an engaging meeting and discussion.